Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de distract

to distractdistraer

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I distractyo distraigo
you distracttú distraes
he distractsél distrae
she distractsella distrae
we distractnosotros distraemos
you distractvosotros distraéis
they distractellos distraen
they distractellas distraen

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I distractedyo distraje
you distractedtú distrajiste
he distractedél distrajo
she distractedella distrajo
we distractednosotros distrajimos
you distractedvosotros distrajisteis
they distractedellos distrajeron
they distractedellas distrajeron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have distractedyo he distraído
you have distractedtú has distraído
he has distractedél ha distraído
she has distractedella ha distraído
we have distractednosotros hemos distraído
you have distractedvosotros habéis distraído
they have distractedellos han distraído
they have distractedellas han distraído

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had distractedyo había distraído
you had distractedtú habías distraído
he had distractedél había distraído
she had distractedella había distraído
we had distractednosotros habíamos distraído
you had distractedvosotros habíais distraído
they had distractedellos habían distraído
they had distractedellas habían distraído

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will distractyo distraeré
you will distracttú distraerás
he will distractél distraerá
she will distractella distraerá
we will distractnosotros distraeremos
you will distractvosotros distraeréis
they will distractellos distraerán
they will distractellas distraerán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have distractedyo habré distraído
you will have distractedtú habrás distraído
he will have distractedél habrá distraído
she will have distractedella habrá distraído
we will have distractednosotros habremos distraído
you will have distractedvosotros habréis distraído
they will have distractedellos habrán distraído
they will have distractedellas habrán distraído

I would distractyo distraería
you would distracttú distraerías
he would distractél distraería
she would distractella distraería
we would distractnosotros distraeríamos
you would distractvosotros distraeríais
they would distractellos distraerían
they would distractellas distraerían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have distractedyo habría distraído
you would have distractedtú habrías distraído
he would have distractedél habría distraído
she would have distractedella habría distraído
we would have distractednosotros habríamos distraído
you would have distractedvosotros habríais distraído
they would have distractedellos habrían distraído
they would have distractedellas habrían distraído

Participio presenteAnotado
distracting distrayendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
distracted distraído

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